
Vision – one of the most important senses, granted to human nature. 95% of the information people receive it by eye. In his youth, almost all have good eyesight, but with age its severity reduced. How to protect your eyes […]

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Heart Vessels

Certain antioxidant vitamins may lower risk for coronary heart disease diseases of the heart and vessels, which summarizes as coronary heart disease, are widely used in the Western world. The heart attack is cause of death number 1 in the […]

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Burnout Syndrome

Beneficiaries factors, symptoms, prevention, mental and physical exhaustion are the consequences of poor organization and work overload. Physical symptoms: headaches, muscle tension, cardiac problems, fatigue, diarrhea, listlessness cognitive symptoms: Aufmerksam – Gedachnisstorung, decision problems, diminished cognitive capacity of mental abnormalities: […]

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