The concept of "mole" is quite extensive. It includes many types of tumors, including birthmarks. In medicine, most moles are called pigment nevi – specific tumors in skin. They are benign tumors, but tend to degenerate into malignant tumors. The […]
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In the regulated course which requires a communication or responsible declaration or the granting of a licence for an activity for an indefinite time, the duration of the provision of the service will be restricted only when: the responsible declaration […]
Continue reading »American Indians
Pressure from Islamic countries and the Vatican in an unusual alliance, the project aborted Cairo Consensus. Fourteen years later, more than 400 million couples lack family planning services. Complications of pregnancy and childbirth are the cause of death and illness […]
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Physical health is related to the practice of a healthy lifestyle: drugs, eat to live and not live to eat, and a healthy sport. Laughter is one of the forms of treatment in some hospitals. Stay in motion: exercise makes […]
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