Member State

In the regulated course which requires a communication or responsible declaration or the granting of a licence for an activity for an indefinite time, the duration of the provision of the service will be restricted only when: the responsible declaration or authorisation is renewed automatically only subject to continuing compliance with the requirements, or that the number of available authorisations is limited by the scarcity of natural resources or unambiguous technical impediments, or thirdly that such limitation could be justified by the existence of an overriding reason of general interest. In relation to the preceding paragraph, only services may be limited to a single part of the Spanish territory for reasons of order, security, or public health or for the protection of the environment. All such restrictions must always be reasoned according to criteria of proportionality and non-discrimination. As we have said before, the providers of services of a Member State shall have the right to provide such service in Spain, except with the exceptions discussed above or in those cases restricted by the relevant sectoral regulations. Without prejudice to the above, as a general rule, not may be limitations such as: the lender need to settle in Spain, or the need to request authorization to a local authority, or entered in a register, or sign up at a college or professional association, or who need to obtain an identification document specific, or the use of certain equipment or materialsexcept for reasons of health and safety at work. As a result of all this has been modified the law 30/1992, of 26 November, legal regime of public administrations and common administrative procedure, stating that in the event any public administration need to restrict the development of an activity, they must do so taking far less restricting, motivating and justifying their actions, with the to protect a public interest, of course avoiding any discriminatory differences between service providers.