
Nevertheless, there are people who to them become very difficult to be successful in this type of business. The reason: all the companies are going to say to us that they are the best option, for this reason, we must […]

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Social Organizations

Today, the social organization of "people's happiness" comes a lot of letters from citizens asking to tell about one of the activities of the organization's opportunity of gaining a man immortality. This, of course, is the immortality of man is […]

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Object Therapy

In this case, a technician can call himself a psychotherapist, a concept adopted in international practice – the expert who has the right to conduct long-term psychological work, not only give one-time consultation. In addition, the specialization of the therapist […]

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Subjective Individuals

All this knowledge is accumulated in the form of scientific theories, manufacturing technology, production of various products, ie in the form of products of all generations a society of individuals, products that are directly or indirectly reflect the level and […]

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Self-esteem is extremely important for the quality of human life. This affects all aspects of life. Our emotions, desires, values largely depend on our self-esteem. People with high self-esteem are generally more positive, agreeable and effective in their actions than […]

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For this reason, even unconsciously, humanity developed a special relationship to the books. These included frequently as living people: they are cast out and burned, barred, or, conversely, praise, spread. Since the nineties of the last century, the book market […]

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