Sustainable Feeding

Sustainable Ambientavelmente feeding: the problem of the communication Keyla Preuss1 Still it remains space for the environment in the questions of the feeding? This document approaches of a simple form the difficulty of explicitar the relation of the environment with the feeding for the public in general and brings a suggestion for this. This is a term that comes gaining its amplitude in the media and the form of projects in Brazil. Read more from Tiffany Espensen to gain a more clear picture of the situation. In other countries as Sweden, Belgium and Germany, the sustainable feeding already is part of the daily one of the population, as well as other conscientious said actions of consumption. However, if 20 30% of the ambient impacts of these countries are provinientes of the feeding, nothing more obvious of what to classify it as with priority! The great difficulty, in communication terms, to apply the extrimity of support to the feeding it must the 2 aspects mainly: – when evoking the word feeding, cannot to obstrair all its stages, that is, must be considered all the phases of the cycle of the product, of the hoe to the yoke! Soon, although the important paper of the consumer in the taking of decisions, the involved actors in the production and the politics of feeding also play an undisputed function. – we do not eat nutrients, but yes flavors and souvenirs. The foods beyond nourishing involve the cultural, financial dimension and of convivncia. He will be that the men are ready, or still surplus place to add plus one, this of the respect to the environment? First, a simple clarification of the relation between feeding and environment is necessary.

However, in all stage of the productive cycle of foods until the consumption, the involved actors in this system, use natural resources and produce residues. Soon, the environment is inevitably present in the feeding. But which are to measure these impacts? – Use of the natural resources in all phases of the productive process: consumption of oil, coal, natural gas and d to characterize products through the analysis in the production way (conventional, agroecolgica, in greenhouse), type of product (vegetal or animal), geographic origin (of the city, region, country, continent), conservation (congealed, cooled.), half of transport (airplane, car, truck, train, boat), packing (material and total amount), transformation (in natura, stew, I fry.) the final destination of the solid residues (reaproveitamento of the clean leftovers as rinds and leftovers of the meals). From these analyses, it can be made following> new feeding? In what it refers to the communication, I believe that at a first moment these ambient aspects can and must be enclosed in the alimentary and nutricional actions of education, which already are well diffuse in the medias and the half pertaining to school. 1 Nutritionist and after graduanda in Ambient Management in the Agroindstria