Home Fitness Gym

Home fitness gym for ball-fitbole. It is well known that sport strengthens our health. But not all people have the opportunity and time to be engaged in equipped sports club. Specially made for them Swiss Balls-fitboly (sometimes also referred to as gymnastic balls). To do gymnastics with fitbolom possible in a normal apartment. Fitbol – a special gym ball fitness and medical physical education (gymnastics). The main function fitbola – unload the joints, when necessary. Exercising on the ball, which is a soft spring, useful for varicose veins, osteochondrosis, and arthritis.

Lessons with gymnastic ball help work on back muscles and spine, strengthen the abdominals. Exercising on the ball not only strengthens muscles and burns fat, but also has a pronounced therapeutic effect. Produced by vibration of the ball has analgesic effect, increases intestinal peristalsis, has beneficial effects on the stomach, liver and kidneys. In addition, fitbol relieves stress and tension. Proved that the waves generated by vibrations the ball passed around the spine to the brain and evoke positive emotions. They say that it is useful, even just sitting on fitbole (special-fitboly balls with feet). Coordination is not every man is well developed.

Exercising on the ball, we employ a greater number of muscles, not for a moment relax. We can say, makes your body work in new ways. Given the therapeutic properties fitbola, you can use it for the gym, even in pregnancy. Classes at fitbole simple and accessible even to children and the elderly, distant from the sport. Recommended dimensions fitbolov – Growth least 152 cm – 45 cm diameter fitbola – Height from 152 cm to 165 cm – 55 cm in diameter fitbola – Increase from 165 cm to 185 cm – diameter fitbola 65 cm – Height from 185 cm to 202 cm – 75 cm diameter fibola – Growth of over 202 cm – 85 cm in diameter