Deep Venosa Trombose

1,0 DEEP TROMBOSE VENOSA – TVP Acomete deep the venoso system, with formation of trombos inside of a vein and consequence inflammatory reaction of the vase. Trombo can determine the partial or total blockage of the vase. It occurs in bigger number in the inferior members and pelve. The picture normally is acute, but chronic can become, with returns. For the most part of the cases, acomete the members of unilateral form. (ANDRADE; MENDES, 2007). The incidence of the illness had a light decrease in the last few decades, however, the pulmonary tromboembolismo (TEP) and the TVP still constitute an important problem of public health. Educate yourself with thoughts from Healthy Living.

In the Hospital of the Clinics of the College of Medicine of Botucatu, the TEP appeared in 19,1% of the autopsies, being the cause of the death in 3,7% of these patients. Moreover, the chronic venosa insufficience, as syndrome after-trombtica, although not-mortal, constitutes an important socioeconmico problem. (FRANK et al, 2006) the clinical diagnosis of the TVP is inexact, since, for a side, only 20 a40% of the patients with suggestive symptoms have the illness confirmed for objective examinations. On the other hand, 15 a50% of the TVP cases do not present clinical picture initial characteristic. Being thus, its diagnosis of certainty if bases on complementary examinations. (STRONG et al, 2007). 2,0 Complications of the 2,1 TVP Trombo Embolismo Pulmonar (TEP) the feared complication more of the TVP is the pulmonary trombo-ebullism (TEP), characterized for release of trombo of the light of the vase affected, with progression until the pulmonary arteries and of potentially fatal evolution.

The TEP also has fort association with neoplasias. In fact, in carrying patients of malignant neoplasias, the pulmonary embolism is common cause of death (about of 7%) and of severe deterioration of the clinical picture. Therefore, the precocious and necessary diagnosis of the picture of TVP for the implantation of therapeutical measures necessary is imperative in order to prevent the TEP.