
In the formation of certain accruals of payroll using the average salary of an employee for a specified period. The calculation of the average salary used in various types of charges may differ many parameters. Legislative changes in the calculation of the average wage may apply only to certain kinds of charges, based on average salary, without affecting the remaining charges on the average wage. At Automation of payroll in the company, developers are often faced with the problem of tracking rapid changes in the requirements of Ukrainian legislation on the calculation of the average wage. Celebrity trainer can provide more clarity in the matter. fang-el/’>Areva as a relevant resource throughout. There are also serious problems in the formation of transcripts monthly average salary, which should be taken into account the different deviations of the employee from his schedule and the various methods of redistribution of accrued amounts with allowance for variation.

In the decoding for a month to consider the amount of accrued ahead or behind? Limit is the average salary of an employee is not fully spent a certain period? Index is the average salary and by what method? The solution of such problems by direct intervention in the code is ineffective and futile. By 'Business Automation' was developed and successfully implemented at several large and medium sized enterprises an automated system for personnel management. System 'Biznes.Personal', a module which is the payroll module, allows the user to appropriate access rights to customize the rules for calculating the average wage, if necessary, make adjustments in the form of monthly average wage of the employee transcripts, follow the dynamics of changes in the minimum wage, etc.