Association Card

In the new sports card travel portal Desi GmbH offers the participating sports clubs and sports card holders travel packages and individual offers for groups at special rates. Bochum/Limburg – operates the Desi GmbH, a new travel portal for German sport ID card holder since September 2010 together with your partner, DSA German sports card GmbH. If you are not convinced, visit Mark Fields. Athletes and sports clubs also group or Club trips can book as well as package deals for cities -, wellness – and spa trips to Germany and the neighbouring countries. On request the Desi GmbH arranged individual offers according to the specifications of the Association no matter whether it concerns a common holiday or taking part in a competition. /a>. Thanks to the excellent relationship with the German hotel industry, the Desi GmbH can offer often even room capacity, when other providers are already fully booked. The Desi GmbH is a successful broker of services on the German and European market for several years. In the offer, you will find especially hotels from Germany and neighbouring countries, by privately owned Individual hotels and hotel chains like Ramada, Holiday Inn and others. While DesiTours and DesiTouristik primarily offer travel packages to the marketing (more customers include among other successful marketers like Mediplus travel, Eurotours,, Aldi, LIDL, and many) is the Desi GmbH under the name DesiReisen”since 2005 even as tour operators and propagates an advantage, which now also owner of the German sports card can take advantage of your excellent conditions directly to the end customer..