Deep Venosa Trombose

1,0 DEEP TROMBOSE VENOSA – TVP Acomete deep the venoso system, with formation of trombos inside of a vein and consequence inflammatory reaction of the vase. Trombo can determine the partial or total blockage of the vase. It occurs in […]

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Resolution Health

The Sanitary Monitoring, through the Resolution in the 18 of 30 of April of 1999, says that ‘ ‘ allegation of functional property: she is that relative one to the metabolic paper or physiological that the not nutrient nutrient or […]

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Mental Health

In this period until the decade of 80, but necessarily in 1987 during the First National Conference of Mental health, had the consolidation of the psychiatric reform that had as objective the reintegration of the patients/customers with mental upheavals to […]

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Daniela Silva

The individual level must excuse to medicines supplying necessary information the fulfilment of the treatment, use if of the farmacoteraputico pursuing for detention of problems related with medicines and guide and aconselhamento in the medicine use of free sales. CONSEQUENCES […]

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The Skin

Reaching the water, the eggs liberate the miracdio, stimulated for the following factors: higher temperatures, intense light and oxygenation of the water. According to Snows 2004, the transmission occurs through the active penetration of the cercrias in the skin and […]

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