Professor Emeritus

17 Years ago died Albert Sabin, the name does not tell us much, but the legacy that he left us fought everyone from polio, a disease that paralyzes and can cause death. The polio virus attacks the nervous system and can cause temporary or permanent paralysis and priming in children, pregnant women and the elderly. Already before him, another scientist Jonas Edward Salk had already discovered and cultivated in his lab all three types of polio virus known, developed an injectable vaccine based on killed viruses, which became the first polio vaccine. However the breakthrough of Sabin was doing an oral vaccine, which could easily take children under the age of 9 years, who are her most catching.A few drops of the vaccine on a sugar cube made the miracle! The scientist, appointed Professor Emeritus of the University of Cincinnati in 1971, waive to the patent rights in order to facilitate the global dissemination of his discovery as soon as possible. Others who may share this opinion include celebrity trainer. I wonder how much It would take some pharmaceutical laboratories to apply the example…