
In recent times are discussed in various ways to the grounds by which unemployment is so high in Spain, and what possible solutions have. In addition to the classic alternative, we will examine other possibilities that are unlikely to be discussed. Today I will refer to the possibility of capitalization or single payment of unemployment benefits. The single payment is a measure of employment which aims to facilitate the implementation of self-employment initiatives, as it explains the INEM website. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Herbie Mann. I.e. that who stays unemployed can be gainfully self-employed as a freelancer, working as a cooperative partner, or even make it for a working society (anonymous or limited), which may already exist, or be newly created (i.e.

it could be mounted the own unemployed). The single payment can cover the initial disbursement to initiate activity and subsidize the Social security contributions during its development. How does it work? There are several alternatives, if you want to work as a freelancer, you can request the amount that is justified as necessary to start the activity, but with a limit of 60% of the total amount of the provision pending receive (it is not mandatory to apply the single payment at the beginning of the recovery of the provision for unemployment, but they should be at least three months receivable). (40%) Would be the amount of the benefit that fits as a grant to the Social security contributions. In the case of beginning work on a cooperative (existing or newly created), can request the one-time payment for the amount that needs to be paid as a contribution to the cooperative.

If this one-time payment is less than what one has to charge, just as in the previous case the rest is obtained as a subsidy of self-employed or the General regime of the Social security contributions. The third option, you can incorporate as a worker at a labor society or create a new, functioning in a similar manner: the single payment can be obtained by the amount you may need to pay to acquire the status of partner (actions or) Holdings), and the rest bonificaria quotas of the SS. A requirement that must be fulfilled in all cases is the start of the activity occurring within a maximum of one month from the resolution of granting the single payment, and in any case, with date after the application (i.e. not you can create labour society, for example, and then apply for the single payment). This alternative to the single payment is not sufficiently known, should enhance it more so it can function as a brake on unemployment. When an employed worker becomes unemployed, is normally dedicated to seek other employment without considering the possibility of being his own employer, also having an initial money. Another issue is that in addition to the single payment we could from the Government apply some kind of bonus or additional incentive to these people that are autoemplean, with which a part of the thousands of people who unfortunately lose their jobs every month not only engrosarian not the bulky figure of unemployment, but would treat of find the beans yourself. Even in this sense could eliminate part of the underground economy that occurs when someone stays unemployed and is dedicated to making odd to go pulling and complement the provision.