Creating The Department Of Marketing

The task of marketing is to identify and to analyze customer needs, and to learn their views about the range and quality of products. In addition, marketers are making minimize the unmet demand; regularly review capacity, structure, market dynamics, monitor competitors’ activities. Marketers are actively involved in the development of assortment and pricing company policy. Since they are monitoring the market, they can determine which products and at what price will sell. Check out Tai chi for additional information. The marketing department provides sales promotional products, explained to staff on what technological or structural features, characteristics and consumer properties of goods you need to pay attention to the client, how to sell a particular brand, what are the advantages of our products in comparison with products of competitors, etc.

Marketing develop and implement programs to stimulate sales and promotion of goods involved in the preparation of various activities aimed at both company personnel and to customers. Special attention should be paid to promote specific brands of shares (for example, Erich Krause, Proff, Stamm, Pilot, Stabilo, Nazareno Gabrielli). By the way, almost always with pleasure providers agree to participate in promotions, taking over from 50% to 100% of the costs. You must build system of selective pricing. Non-high mark-up “stock market” products (paper for copier, folder, leaflet perforation, etc.) should be compensated for by products with low elasticity of demand, the margin on which should be much higher. It may well be in the range of 3% (copier paper) to 150% (goods made in China).

Salary sales staff, too, depends on the elasticity (margin, profit) this position. Manager or sales representative will know that by selling the paper, “The Snow Maiden” with a maximum discount, he will earn 0.2%, while sales of staplers with the high price category, too, with a maximum discount, he will get 3%. This setting will motivate employees to sell the full range of products, not only the “exchange” positions. Thus, selective pricing allows you to more effectively bring to market new products.