Aldous Huxley

Very interesting it is the subject of Acidity and everything what it involves, we know it exposes as it Aldous Huxley, that the cenobites of the Tebaida were put under the assaults of many demons. Most of those malignant spirits appeared furtively to the arrival at night. But there was one, an enemy of mortal subtility, that took a walk without fear in the light of the day. The saints of the desert called daemon meridianus, because its favorite hour of visit was under the ardent sun. He lay in the hope that those monks who would hastiaran themselves to work under the oppressive heat, being useful leanness a little while to break in to his hearts.

And once installed inside, what damage committed! , because suddenly to the poor victim the day was intolerably long and the devastatingly empty life to him. It went to the door of his cell, watched the sun in the stop and it was asked if a new Joshua had stopped the star in the middle of his celestial course. Throughout the Age Average east demon was known with the acidity name. Although the monks continued being their victims favorite, it also realised good number of conquests between the lay ones. Along with gastrimargia, fornicatio, philargyria, tristitia, cenodoxia, the wrath and superbia, acidity or taedium cordis was considered like one of the eight capital vices that subjugate the man. Some unfortunate psychologists of the evil usually speak of acidity as if outside the level laziness. But the laziness is only one of the numerous manifestations of the subtle and complicated vice that is acidity.

When speaking of her in the Story of the clergyman, Chaucer makes a description very precise of this catastrophic vice of the spirit. Acidity, says, makes the made drowsy, pensaroso man to us and burdens. The human will paralyzes, it slows down and it puts the man inert when it tries to act.