The Woman

In Babilnia, deuses was others, afora of the nature and the astros ones was impersonatied as deuses, and also sexual afuno was seen as something the holy ghost. In order to keep identity dosexilados, the priests had created this narrative, tomandomedidas muitoprecisas. The narrative has the form of a great poem, and thus it must be seen, leaving of side acomparao with the modern conceptions on the origin of the universe. The land was without empty form and. Gn 1,2-E wants to show that one exists nicoDEUS alive and creative. Animal GODS create the sea 1,24-25.Cria Gn the trees, rain to wet soloGn 2,4-6 thus GOD creates homemGn 2,7e blows in the nostrils and of the life. In regards to the origin of the life, it is to precisodistinguir vegetative life, sensitive life and intelectiva life.

The duasprimeira modalities depends on a material principiovital, that can well Have been eduzido of the substance in evolution. In contrast, the intelectiva life depends on one begins vital (soul) spiritual, that to only podeprovir of an act bred of God. Mr. GOD sees that to homemviver it alone he is bad, then creates umacompanheira the Gn2,21-25 woman homemdormeum deep sleep This sonoprofundo is a signal of mistrioquecerca the relation man-woman. One was created for the other e, when if they join marriage narelao, is obeying the GOD project, that emerges of maisfundo of each one, in order to form a new unit for the two, osprprios children and the society. Gn 2,24 ‘ ‘ Therefore, a man leaves its paie its mother, and if he joins its woman, and them two if they only become one carne.’ ‘ Deuscria the woman of the rib of the man, and of the head it woman not to order nohomem. Nor of the feet it man not to make of the woman its slave.